5 Garage Storage Tips for Summertime Toys
Your children have completed their school year, and it is time for summer. Unlike what many people think, summer can be a very tedious time for many parents. They have to search for and get their summer gear back in serviceable shape. Keeping your garage organized is not child’s play, and takes time and effort.
Here are few tips for creating garage storage space for your kid’s summertime toys.
1 De-clutter the entire garage
De-clutter your entire garage. If you haven’t done this in a long time, you might want to consider doing it in small parts, or having your kids help you during weekends to get it done. When your garage has not been de-cluttered for several years, then be warned: it is going take a lot of time.
2 Segregate the toys from other items
When de-cluttering your garage, you will come across several items and toys that might not be useful or in working condition. It is best to discard them. Once you have done that, you can segregate the toys from other items that might come in handy sometime. Segregating toys from other items is a vital step in this storage space process.
3 Keep only what is required
Many people keep things they don’t really need, which leads to clutter. You should consult with your children to determine which toys they will use and want to keep. So, it is in your best interest that you keep only the toys that will get used.
4 Make a proper area for equipment
Making a proper area for equipment like bats, balls, and sporting accessories is important. This helps you and your children find things immediately and start playing. Apart from that, you can safely keep your tools and equipment without them getting damaged. It is crucial to keep items organized by their type.
5 Have ample room for parking your vehicles
You will want to make sure that you have ample space in your garage to park your cars, if you own cars. When you own one or two cars, it is vital that you make sure the space for toys doesn’t occupy the entire garage. However, if you don’t own vehicles, you could use the vehicle space for designing school projects or for other weekend activities.