Garage Door Security
How to Child-Proof Your Garage Door
Parents focus on safety and well-being above all else when it comes to their children. Not only do they keep doors locked and windows secured, but they also have to focus on making the garage door child-proof and safe. These… Continue reading
Top 3 Benefits of an Unattached Garage
You get home from a trip to the grocery store and have ten bags to carry into the kitchen. As you turn in the driveway, it begins to rain. You want nothing more than to transfer the bags to the… Continue reading
Why won’t your garage door open or close
When a garage door is stuck open or won’t close, it compromises the security of your property. And, your garage door must functional to maintain optimum security. Discover some of the reasons why a garage door fails and what… Continue reading
5 Garage Storage Tips for Summertime Toys
Your children have completed their school year, and it is time for summer. Unlike what many people think, summer can be a very tedious time for many parents. They have to search for and get their summer gear back in… Continue reading
Garage Drainage: What You Need To Know
If you’re noticing that your garage floor is leaking during the rainy season, perhaps you need to inspect your garage drainage system. Sometimes when the drainage system is clogged or not properly installed, leaks can happen that can cause serious… Continue reading
Five Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Garage Door Opener
Garage door openers generally last a long time since they are simple mechanical devices. However, there are times when you’re left with no choice but to replace your garage door opener with a new model that offers greater safety and… Continue reading
10 Things You Should Never Store In Your Garage
So what do you do with all the stuff you don’t need when you want to get rid of clutter? Store it in the garage, of course! We know this is what most people do, but it would be a… Continue reading
Can Your Garage Door Be Hacked?
The idea that their garage door can be hacked is disturbing to many homeowners. They trust the garage door to keep not only their property safe, but their family as well. Is it possible to use a simple device to… Continue reading
Avoiding garage door security pitfalls
Garage door security risks that homeowners need to know about
A home break-in or burglary is devastating to a family. There is an acute sense of violation and on-going insecurity, in addition to any damage or loss of your valuable… Continue reading